Wednesday 16 May 2018

How to survive in haunted days - Season 4

Season 4  How to survive in haunted days  The sword of legend

[Last time in season 3 vishal and his friends fight with a knight call knight of terror, vishal has done some changes in his glove he do flame thrower and destroy the knight. Now, in this story vishal and his friends go to find a sword of legend but they can't]. Vishal is cleaning his water gun. Then vishal saw an ad on his computer of the sword of legend, it was written 'Who will get this sword of legend, he will win the earth or whole solar system'. Vishal thought in mind 'What a fake ad it was, in whole solar system there is no sword of legend'. Then a request come on vishal's computer. Vishal go to club house and call his friends, they were going in the car by the location. They stop on the location, the location was a tunnel. Vishal and his friends go in the tunnel and they saw many scary skeletons and bones. Then suddenly tunnel entrance closed, vishal shoot hook when door was closing but door close and hook wire cut. Then vishal and his friends walk forward and a bridge comes. The bridge was looking very weak like if anyone walk on it, it will fall down. 

Vishal go first and he was walking carefully, then a plank broke and finally he crossed the bridge. Then he said 'Hey, you also come but carefully'. Ramesh, rakesh, marco and krishna was crossing the bridge carefully. Then vishal side wood take out and another side wood also take out. Then vishal shoot hook and catch the both side wood. And he said 'Hurry up, I can't hold it more, aaaaaaa'.  Vishal friends are running, then all planks broke and ramesh fall but catch a wooden plank and rakesh, marco and krishna were helping him. Then all planks start broking, then vishal dug the hook gun in the ground. And take out his glove (he also add wall wind twister)he do wall wind twister and his friends fall in his side. Vishal said 'Come on get up, we have to walk more'. Then when they walking, they saw many broken rocks at upper roof. Then by mistakenly krishna put step on a block and block goes down, then earthquake start and rocks start falling down. 

Vishal was running but rocks fall and divide into 2 half's. Vishal said 'Hey, are you all ok that side, I will broke these rocks later'. Then vishal start walking in front, then when he come out he saw a big area and a big pyramid. On that pyramid he saw a golden sword dug in a box. Then vishal thought 'This is the sword of legend, it means that ad was not fake'. When he was going up he said 'I have watch in movies that around this type things'. Then a shadow come out of the ground and said 'You are right vishal, I think it's true that you are intelligent'. Then vishal said 'I will not let you to steal that sword of legend'. 

Then vishal saw his face and he become statue and that shadow take out that sword and rock start falling. Vishal run faster, faster, more faster and he shoot hyper beam through his glove and rocks destroy and vishal said to them to start running because this place is falling. Vishal do wall wind twister and send his friends that side. Then vishal do thunder shock on ground and do a high jump. Vishal come to that side and they start running. Then vishal do a mega punch at the door and door broke then a big blast happen and they fall out. Vishal said 'You will don't believe what I saw, I saw devil'. His friends don't believe him and devil take the sword of legend and now problem is not for vishal and his friends only, the problem is for whole world.  - To Be Continue
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              How to survive in haunted days       Return of the kamukama

[Last time vishal and his friends go in a tunnel, they face many problem and vishal saw god of ghosts and evil spirit and king of the hell. Now, in this story kamukama will return and this time vishal and his friends have to destroy  kamukama]. Vishal and marco are playing the game "Dragon sword 3". Marco got a silver shield and vishal is fighting with king goblin. King goblin all arrows over then king goblin take out magic axe and start attacking vishal player. Vishal send his fourth servant knight to fight and he start killing king goblin. King goblin make his size big and do hyper laser and vishal fourth servant knight died. Then marco come with dragol dragon and his dragon throw fire balls and king goblin injured and vishal was shooting magical ninja stars and finally king goblin destroy. And vishal all servant knight are over, vishal unlock some balls bomb and upgrade his magical sword and his armour by his collected coins. They pause the game and gone to take some rest. Then a request come on vishal's computer. Vishal go to that location and they found a ghost they know. Then when ghost turn back he was kamukama. 

Vishal said 'Kamukama you're back, but last time I throw your ghost catching ball in the sea'. Kamukama said 'Yes, but I got freedom because of gagdar, come here gagdar'. Gagdar come with a new chain, Vishal said 'Gagdar, but I throw you in the river'. Gagdar said 'Yes, you throw me but that river was connected in that sea where was kamukama, I collect many energy and destroy that ghost catching ball and come out then I meet to kamukama. We do deal also that kamukama will help me so I will upgrade him and send him in the hell and see now kamukama is helping me'. Vishal said 'Kamukama, you sell yourself'. Kamukama said 'I have no option vishal, I sell myself because I want to go home in hell where is my family'. Vishal said 'Ok kamukama I will leave you but I will not leave gagdar'. Kamukama said 'If your battle is with gagdar so your battle is with me also'. Vishal said 'Ok, as your wish kamukama'. And vishal order to his team that 'We will not hurt kamukama, we will just catch him in the ghost catching ball and open hell door and throw that ghost catching ball in the hell'. Then vishal run at the gagdar, gagdar swing his chain but vishal safe and he jump and give a kick to gagdar and he pushed back. 

Gagdar was still swinging his chain but vishal was safe then he injured by a chain swing. Vishal wear his glove throw hyper beam, because of hyper beam gagdar injured and stop flying and fall down. Gagdar hold vishal left hand guard and take out. Gagdar swing his chain and vishal pushed back and fall on car and car all windows broke. Vishal friends were fighting with kamukama, Marco shoot blast bombs {model 2} and kamukama injured and krishna was shooting missiles by missile hand and kamukama again injured. Vishal shoot hook rope but gagdar catch it and pull it and vishal was coming and gagdar do mega punch and vishal injured. Gagdar do flame thrower with full power and a blast happen, Vishal was injured and his costume tear. Vishal know what to do, he do hyper beam with full power. And gagdar and his chain destroy forever. 

Then vishal go near kamukama and kamukama said 'Leave me, I want to go home'. Vishal order his friends that 'Leave him'. Ramesh turn  on hell portal and vishal tell kamukama that 'If you enter one time in this portal you will never come back, bye bye kamukama, happy journey, we will not forgot you'. Then kamukama said 'Bye bye you also, I will miss you, you are my friend enemies'. Then kamukama go in the portal and portal close. Vishal said 'Yes, he was right he is also our friend enemy'. - To Be Continue
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                           How to survive in haunted days   Haunted museum showdown

[Last time kamukama and gagdar were return but vishal destroy gagdar forever and send kamukama to his home. Now, in this story vishal and his three friends (except marco) will solve the case of haunted museum but right now vishal and his friends are in school bus]. Vishal, his friends and other students are going to Oakland museum and they are excited to see dinosaur skeleton, 1000 lakh years ago paintings, Swords and armours of 13th century, and statue of Anubis etc. They reach to the Oakland museum, they go in the museum in line. They saw Skeleton of T-rex, stegosaurus and triceratops. They saw body of mummies in mirror box and they also saw statue of Anubis. Then they come to that room where Annabelle doll was kept. On top of the box  a sticker was stick {WARNING - Do not open positively}. In that room there were many horror dolls like Robert. 

Vishal and his friends were feeling very scary then midnight 12'o clock begun and when they were going suddenly the door close and window open in which Annabelle, Robert and slappy come out and they saw all the dolls sitting. Then teacher said 'Vishal, rakesh, ramesh and Krishna, do something'. Then vishal said 'We can't do anything without our G.F.B (Ghost Fighting Bag). Then Annabelle doll start walking, Vishal his friends and teachers were very afraid. They start running down but they found Robert down the stairs and Annabelle was coming. Then vishal give a kick to Annabelle doll and he said to other people to run. Annabelle doll do scary attack and vishal was in confusion and he fall on T- rex skeleton. Vishal become weak and sleep. Ramesh take vishal and run to his friends, Robert and Annabelle doll were coming. Rakesh try to break the door but he can't. Then something fall from vishal's pocket. {That was a remote}, Rakesh click on that button. Then door was moving and door open. 

Then 4 bags were flying and do tackle at Annabelle and Robert and they fall back. G.F.B (Ghost Fighting Bag) stop flying. Ramesh, rakesh and krishna wear the costume and ready to fight. Rakesh throw slime balls and Robert stuck but his magical power take him out. Ramesh give 6 punches to Robert and he fall. Krishna control planes and shoot bottle caps and Annabelle injured. She do psychic attack and destroy all planes. Rakesh shoot hook at Annabelle but she again do physic attack and hook go up and fall on rakesh head and he injured. Ramesh fall near Stegosaurus skeleton and he injured, Ramesh blast the blast bombs and everywhere fog and smoke become, then suddenly ramesh come and give a mega punch to Robert and throw him in his window box. 

Then they all point their weapons like slime balls, water gun and missile hand at Annabelle. Then she do a ultimate sonic voice and all of them 3 injured. Then vishal wake up and he saw Rakesh, Ramesh and krishna fall on the ground. He wear his costume and he said 'Annabelle'. Then Annabelle look at him. Then vishal said 'Let's dance'. Vishal do flame thrower but Annabelle do physic attack and ignore flame thrower. Vishal thought a better idea he said 'Look up, a dragon'. Annabelle look up, then vishal do flame thrower and Annabelle injured, he shoot hook and catch Annabelle doll and throw her in her box she is kept. Vishal and his friends again got victory. - To Be Continue
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                How to survive in haunted days     Charlie, Charlie!!!

[Last time vishal and his three friends (except marco)visit to Oakland museum, they saw Annabelle doll and Robert. They fight with them and throw them in their boxes. Now, in this story vishal and his friends will fight with Charlie the pencil game ghost]. Vishal is upgrading his glove and adding razor leaf attack also but every time short-circuit happening. Then a request come on Vishal's computer. Vishal said 'We have to go'. They go to that address, the address was a house. Vishal and his friends go in the house, Then a young man come and said 'Hi, my name is flint. I live alone but my 2 friends and 1 brother are at home right now'. Vishal and his friends go to the room of flint, they saw 3 people. Then flint said 'This is my brother riot, and my two friends dain and Harris'. And vishal and his friends saw a paper, on that paper it was written YES and NO and 2 pencils are kept on it like {+}. Vishal said 'So, where is the problem'. 

Flint said 'That game was the problem'. Then vishal said 'So tear that paper and problem solve'. Flint said 'No, that's not the solution, we call charlie and you kill him'. Vishal become very anger, he shout and said 'You guys have no brain, this business is for people who are turbid by the ghosts not for those people who call ghost and ask for kill him'. Flint said 'This time not I also turbid, all of whole world is turbid'. Vishal said 'See if you didn't play this game, so he will not come and turbid you'. Flint said 'If you kill that ghost so I will give you ₹80,000 + treat of junk food and tickets for Paris'. Vishal said 'We are not greedy, let's go guys we have waste our time, thanks for the offer'. Flint said 'You can take the responsibility of charlie'. Vishal stop and said 'No'. Flint said 'You have to prove yourself, otherwise you are just a dump'. Vishal said 'Do the challenge'. Vishal and his friends and flint go in the room. Flint said 'Charlie, Charlie are you here'. Then upper pencil turn on YES, vishal said 'Charlie, Charlie are you in the living room'. Then pencil turn on YES, then vishal said 'Charlie, Charlie will be begun the fight'. Then pencil turn on YES. 

Then vishal said 'Guys, we have to go in living room'. Then flint said 'Hey, no you will destroy the living room'. Vishal said 'Living room is important for you or Charlie'. Then flint said 'charlie'. Then vishal said 'So, it's better you not come in our work'. Vishal and his friends go in living room, then vishal said 'I challenge you charlie'. Then an air pressure come and vishal fall and he injured and he said 'If you are brave, so come out'. Rakesh said 'I have already make a gadget that can help us to see charlie'. Rakesh give them 4 goggles, Krishna said 'Gogglesss'. Rakesh said 'These are not common goggles, we can see a ghost if he or she is not visible'. 

They all 5 wear that goggles and they saw Charlie. Vishal shoot hook but go out of the Charlie's body. Ramesh said 'Vishal, Charlie's body is now gas. Vishal said 'So, an attack that can defeat charlie is wall wind twister'. Vishal do wall wind twister and charlie start spinning. Then vishal throw ghost catching ball and catch Charlie. Flint give ₹50,000 to vishal and his friends. Vishal throw that ghost catching ball in the sea and return to home. - To Be Continue
                           How to survive in haunted days      Perfection into the action 2

[Last time vishal  go to the flint house and they play Charlie, Charlie game and vishal do wall wind twister and catch the Charlie in the ghost catching ball and throw it in the sea. Now, in this story we will again recover the chapters we have read]. THE ROSE OF LOVE - In this story we have read that vishal and his friends go to graveyard and tell his story and krishna shoot missile and nisha injured. And ramesh take vishal and start running, krishna shoot missile but nisha but her hand in right side and missile goes right side. We have also read that she shoot heart stickers and ground blasting. She stretch her hand to catch vishal but yuvraj come in that path and hand goes into the yuvraj and he start broking and he destroy and divide into pieces and die. 

Then rain start, vishal shoot water pressure 4 times and injured nisha. 5th time while crying vishal shoot last water pressure and destroy nisha. In night the whole city take out candle march for yuvraj's spirit. And in end of the story we have read that vishal type a letter for a new member on his website. SCARY 13th FLOOR - In this story we have read that vishal and his friends (except yuvraj)go on 13th floor with other doctors and try to fight with a legendary ghost call glachomp but they fail. Then glachomp asked to rakesh to take out his ghost book and see pg no. 123 and read then rakesh take out his ghost book and read about glachomp he said 'Glachomp, a legendary ghost who has big powers and the commander of devil army. He can kill anyone etc'. Vishal do a super hyper beam and destroy glachomp and Doctor give ₹40,000 to vishal and his friends. 

WELCOME NEW MEMBER - In this story we have read that vishal check reply's but no reply come but only 1 reply comes. Vishal and his friends go to the location, when marco's mother saw him she was in shock. Then marco come down he said 'Vishal, this is you, I am your very big fan'. Then vishal tell him that 'This is time for test not for autographs'. Vishal asked 10 questions and marco answer correctly only 9 questions. In end we have read that Marco sign on the certificate and become new member of the team. GIRL WHO JUMPED FROM THE BUILDING - In this story we have read that Vishal was doing practice with marco. Vishal and his friends go to the location and they found a woman who tell them everything about her daughter. And also tell that some of her clients saw her daughter in the toilet. Then krishna become a statue also and marco shoot ice balls and girl's legs stuck in that ice. Vishal throw blast bombs and injured the girl and catch her in the ghost catching ball and her mother give ₹10,000 to them. 

THE KNIGHT OF TERROR - In this story we have read that vishal and rakesh are playing "Dragon sword 3". Vishal unlock a servant knight and his servant start killing wizards and rakesh player got a Golden mango. Then a gligar dragon and kill vishal 5th servant and vishal and rakesh go in a tunnel where no dragon can come. Then vishal got a request on his computer, they go at that location. They found a village (not too big), when they hear old man's said. They all go to the jungle. In the end vishal do flame thrower and destroy the knight of terror. THE SWORD OF LEGEND - In this story we have read that vishal got an ad on his computer of sword of legend and he thought that this is fake ad. Vishal and his friends go to the tunnel where they face many problems like destroying of bridge and rock falling. And vishal saw the sword of legend and he saw a ghost take out that sword and tunnel destroy and that ghost was devil. 

RETURN OF THE KAMUKAMA - In this story we have read that vishal and marco were playing "Dragon sword 3" and vishal send his 4th servant knight to fight to king goblin and king goblin all arrows over and king goblin do his size big and do hyper laser and destroy 4th servant knight  and marco come with his dragol dragon and destroy king goblin and vishal get some coins and upgrade his armour and his sword. And we have also read that kamukama return with gagdar and they destroy many things, vishal fight with gagdar and gagdar also take out vishal right hand guard and throw him on the car and car all windows broke and vishal destroy gagdar and send kamukama to his home. 

HAUNTED MUSEUM SHODOWN - In this story we have read that vishal and his friends (except marco)go to Oakland museum with his class and teachers and they saw many things they also saw Annabelle doll and vishal try to give 2 kick to Annabelle but she do scary attack vishal was in confusion and he fall on T-rex skeleton and rakesh click on the button and all 4 bags come and do tackle attack at Robert and Annabelle. Ramesh also fall on stegosaurus skeleton and he blast the blast bombs and ramesh give mega punch to Robert and throw him in his window box. And vishal also challenge Annabelle and asked her to look up and he do flame thrower and Annabelle injured and he throw her in her Window box and they again got victory. CHARLIE, CHARLIE!!! - ---------------                                      Given in disclaimer     To Be Continue in Season 5

                                                                                              - By (VILAKSHAN / KASHU)

How to survive in haunted days - Season 3

Season 3 How to survive in haunted days The Rose of love

[Last time in season 2 we recover the chapters we have read. Now, in this story vishal will fight with his love and in this story anyone is going to die in vishal's team]. Vishal is doing practice with yuvraj of water pressure and ninja stars. Vishal shoot water pressure too fast and yuvraj also throw ninja stars too fast. Then rakesh come and said 'We have to go'. Then all team sit in a car made by rakesh father. It can automatically go anywhere and it drives by itself and have weapons also. Vishal and his friends go at that place where the location was given. They come at a graveyard, then they found that ghost, that ghost was female. All of them 4 (except vishal)point the nerf gun, slime balls, ninja stars and{New weapon}missile hand. When she turn back she saw vishal so she said 'Vishal you are back, my love is return'. Then vishal said 'Nisha'. When all of them 4 hear this thing, they put their weapons down and look at the vishal. Then vishal said 'Why are you staring me like this, ok, I will tell you everything.

When I come in 1 standard first time I saw nisha, then my face become red like tomato. That day nisha partner was absent so teacher said to me to sit with nisha. When I sit with nisha I was feeling very nervous. I try to make nisha friend and I make her that day, we share lunch to each other and we also be partner in dance class also. Things were going very good but in that class there was a boy name rogger who love nisha but nisha didn't like her, she likes me. This thing rogger didn't like and he thought to kill me so nisha will love him. Some days later I start loving nisha but I never get courage to tell her that I love her. One day I got the courage to telling her that I love her. I take 1 rose to impress her. That day rogger was bring knife in school to kill me. When I was going to give her rose rogger try to kill me but by mistake nisha come in path and knife enter in her back. Nisha fall down but I catch her and rogger.Principal give T.C to rogger and take out him from school. But what about my, my love was gone forever'. Nisha said 'No, now your love is back, we will live forever whole life before we die that time also we will living forever'.

Then vishal said 'No, now this is not possible, you are a ghost and I am a human, we can't live forever'. Then Nisha said 'We can still live forever, we have not late yet, Please vishal think about our future'. Then krishna shoot missile and nisha injured. Then krishna said 'We are not going to send vishal with you, he is our friend and our team leader. Nisha said 'You can't come in centre of our love'. ramesh take vishal and start running to the car. Nisha start chasing him, Rakesh throw slime balls and nisha stuck into the slime. She make a big wave and come out of the slime. She put her nails in the ramesh back and throw him to a rock and the rock broken. Vishal fall at side of the nisha. Krishna was shooting missile and a missile was coming so nisha put her hand straight at right side and missile go to right side. Nisha hold the missile hand too tight and krishna was paining and destroy the missile hand. Nisha was shooting heart stickers {If heart sticker touch to vishal so he will come in nisha's control}. His friends were trying to safe vishal, Heart stickers were blasting the ground and rakesh injured by heart sticker. Nisha all Heart sticker over she stretch her hand to hold vishal but Yuvraj come on that place and nisha's hand goes into the yuvraj and yuvraj broking and yuvraj destroy and he divide into many pieces and he died.

Vishal's friends were sitting around yuvraj pieces. And rain start ,Vishal said 'Nisha, I want to say something, I hate you'. When nisha hear this thing she goes in big shock. Vishal start crying in rain he take out water gun. And he said 'I am sorry nisha ,I not want to do this but I have to do it'. He shoot water pressure 4 times and nisha injured. Nisha was coming fast at vishal and vishal shoot 5th water pressure and nisha destroy and she gone forever. Water gun fall from vishal's hand and vishal sit. And that rose, Vishal give to nisha come from the storm and it stand dig on nisha's rock. That was the sign of the rose of love, In night whole California take out candle march for yuvraj's spirit. They pray for yuvraj spirit and dug the box in which were yuvraj pieces. Next day, vishal was typing on his "Ghost killing business" website that 'Yesterday our friend yuvraj was died while fighting with nisha's spirit, so we want a new member who can take place of yuvraj, reply till tomorrow 7:00pm'. - To Be Continue
How to survive in haunted days Scary 13th floor

[Last time vishal and his friends fight with vishal's lover nisha's spirit, and nisha kill yuvraj also and vishal kill nisha also and they want a new member who can take place of yuvraj . Now, in this story vishal and his 3 friends will fight with a legendary ghost call glachomp]. Vishal and his friends were sad this time also. They are missing the memories they have spent with yuvraj. Then a request come on vishal's computer. Vishal said 'We have to go'. Vishal and his friends go to that place where the location was given. The location was a hospital, Vishal and his friends go into the hospital. The counter manager said 'Sir, if you want to go so first you have to give your name'. Vishal said 'Sorry, but we are not come here for auperestion, we are come here because we are called'. The counter manager said 'If I am not wrong so you are from ghost killing business'.

Vishal said 'Yes, yes'. The counter manager call the doctor and said 'Hello, doctor vishal and his friends are come'. Then doctor come down and said to vishal 'Vishal, we want your help, please kill glachomp'. Vishal said 'Ok, we will kill glachomp'. Vishal, his three friends, doctor and other doctors stand in the lift. Vishal saw that on floor no. 13 button a sticker was stick on it "Out of order". Vishal asked to doctor that 'Why sticker "Out of order" stick on floor no. 13th'. Doctor said 'Because on this floor only a ghost live call glachomp, so we stick the sticker "Out of order" so no one be able to go on that floor. Doctor click the 13th button but it was not working. So doctor, speak in basement by a mike stick near the buttons that 'Turn on the supplies of 13th floor'. The working officer said 'Are you sure doctor'. The doctor said 'Yes, I am sure'. The working officer said 'Ok I am going to turn on the supplies of 13th floor, be ready 1, 2, 3 Here I go now 13th floor button will be working'. The doctor said 'Yes, it is working'. Doctor click the button of 13th floor and lift start going on 13th floor. When they reach on 13th floor the door open.

There was no light in the 13th floor, there was only dark. Then doctor said 'I am feeling very afraid, glachomp will be anywhere'. Vishal said 'Don't worry doctors, we will fight with glachomp'. Then some black shadows come and multiply. The glachomp said with a creepy sound 'So doctor, you finally come with vishal and his team, but wait a second one member is missing. Oh yeah, I forgot that yuvraj is dead'. When vishal and his friends hear this thing, the vishal order them to attack. Vishal shoot hook but glachomp cut his hook with his dark blade attack. Ramesh throw slime balls but glachomp do flame thrower and destroy slime balls and do a fire spin and vishal and ramesh injured and fall near the doctors. {Krishna bring his previous missile hand that destroy while fighting nisha's spirit} He shoot missiles but glachomp do hyper beam and missiles destroy. He do a mega punch also krishna fall near vishal and ramesh. Rakesh try to give kicks but glachomp do hyper beam and rakesh fall back.

Then glachomp said 'Rakesh, take out your ghost book and take out pg no. 123'. Rakesh take out ghost book and take out pg no. 123 and he read about glachomp 'Glachomp, a legendary ghost who has big powers and the commander of devil army. He can kill anyone, his special attack is hyper beam, mega punch, dark blade attack, flame thrower and fire spin etc. He can't come in ghost catching ball also, by chance he come so ghost catching ball will destroy and he will come out of the ball. Glachomp army has never defeat, they have win all 100,000 fights and you can say glachomp as right hand of devil'. Then glachomp said 'You read and hear that I am a legendary ghost and it's not too easy to defeat or kill me or I can't come in ghost catching ball also, so by fighting me is your wastage of time'. Vishal said 'We will not leave him who make joke for our friend'. Glachomp said 'Ok as your wish'. Glachomp start doing hyper beam and vishal was trying to stop it but vishal clothes are tearing then he feel the power of yuvraj. He thought that yuvraj is helping him. He take out super hyper beam and glachomp start destroying. Glachomp was shouting 'It's impossible you can't kill me, aaaaaaaaaa'. Then a big blast happen, because of that blast full 13th floor destroy. Then vishal open his eyes and said 'What happen'. Then rakesh said 'If you don't ask so it's better'. Vishal was in shock that he kill a legendary ghost. Doctor give ₹40,000 to vishal and his friends. Vishal and his friends were going home and they buy some chocolates for home. - To Be Continue

[Last time vishal and his friends fight with legendary ghost call glachomp who injured them, Vishal do a super hyper beam and destroy glachomp and patients also come in 13th floor. Now, in this story they got a new member who can take place of yuvraj]. Vishal was watching computer for a reply, message he post for new member. He saw that no one reply but only one reply come. The boy name was marco, AGE - 11. Vishal and his friends go to that address. He ring the bell, then marco's mother open the door and said 'Oh my god, vishal this you, marco see vishal and his team come, come, come, thought it's your home only'. Vishal saw marco and marco said 'Vishal, this is you I am your very big fan'. Vishal said 'Oh, yeah, yeah I am very popular, so marco this is not time for autographs, this is time for test'. Marco said 'Oh yeah, I am ready for the test'. Vishal said 'There are 10 questions, you have to answer them correctly'. Vishal asked question 1 - 'What is your favourite hobby'? Then marco said 'My favourite hobby is cricket and badminton'. Vishal asked 2 question - 'What weapon combination you will choose if you fight with bloody mary'? OPTIONS - (a) water gun and slime balls (b) oil and lighter {and last}(c)ninja stars and nerf gun.

Marco said 'Answer (b) oil and lighter'. Vishal said 'Good, question 3 Do you defensive guards to protect yourself'? Marco said 'Yes, I have I can show you'. Vishal said 'No, you show me after the test, now 4 question How many weapons do you have and name them also'? Marco said 'Nerf gun, slime gun, water gun, blast bombs {Model 2} and some ice balls'. Vishal asked question 5 'Do you have your own costume'? Marco said 'Yes, I have'. Vishal asked question 6 'Do you know how to give kicks and punches'. Marco said 'Yes, I know'. Vishal asked question 7 'Which ball you will chose to catch kamukama'? OPTIONS - (a)Ghost catching ball (b) Normal ball (c)Cricket ball. Marco said 'Option (a)Ghost catching ball'. Vishal said 'Good, question 8 'What is your favourite festival'? Marco said 'Easter, Halloween and Christmas'. Vishal asked 'Come with me last 2 questions will be there'. Marco go with vishal and they come out, there are one board of freddy fazebear and gagdar. Vishal asked ' Question 9,Shoot this water pressure from water gun on freddy fazebear'?

Marco shoot water pressure direct on freddy fazebear and water pressure touch on target. Now, vishal asked 'Last question 10, throw ninja stars on gagdar'? Marco shoot ninja stars but they can't touch on target. Vishal said 'Ok, your test complete, now the result is you are PASS'. Marco was very happy, he wear his costume and come and said 'Sir, now I am a member of the team'. Vishal said 'No, a last this is remaining, sign on this certificate. Hold it in front and say I take the responsibility of the world and I will kill all the ghosts and evil spirit'. Marco sign on the certificate and say the thing that was say by vishal. Vishal said 'Congratulations marco, now you are the member of the team'. Rakesh and his friends were clapping and marco was crying of the tears of happiness and said 'I am too happy, I come in the ghost killing business team'. Vishal and his team were going to home now. - To Be Continue

[Last time vishal and his friends catch a girl's evil spirit in the ghost catching ball and give that ball to her mother and marco first mission become successful. Now, in this story they will fight with a knight call knight of terror]. Vishal was playing "Dragon sword 3" with rakesh. Vishal got the key to unlock his 5th servant knight {last 3 servants knight died and 4th servant knight injured and taking 3 more days time to recover} . Vishal unlock a servant knight because rakesh player has only 2 hearts only and army of wizards are attacking him. Then vishal said ' Here I come rakesh Go, servant knight'. Servant knight start killing wizards with his sword and vishal take rakesh player to eat fruits to recover his life and they got a golden mango. Rakesh player eat that golden mango and he got 2 more heart {life} line. Then a gligar dragon come and kill the servant knight and vishal and rakesh players go to the underground tunnel where no dragon can come.

And they pause the game and go to take some rest. Then marco said 'One request is come vishal, we have to go'. Vishal and his friends dress up and go to that place where location was give. The location was a small village {not too small}. Then vishal asked 'Anyone call us here'. Then a boy comes, the boy was looking studious. Then a villager said 'In this whole village this boy only has computer, in this village forest a knight live call knight of terror. Many years ago this village was the field of battle, many knights died but only a knight not died. That knight was very evil, he kill many people of his kingdom. Some people said that they want to kill him so some people said they want to save him and one night they kill that knight but no one can tell how his face was. After some years his ghost start roaming in that forest. If anyone goes into that forest he never return back. He has turbid us by killing our village people, so we want you kill that knight of terror'. Vishal said 'Did he have metal armour, sword, shield and a horse'. The old man said 'yes'.

Vishal said 'It means, it will not easy to kill him'. Ramesh said 'You have to also come with us, don't worry we will protect you but you have to come with us'. Villagers ok for that, then they go in the forest they saw a knight coming on horse. Knight stuck vishal into the chain and pulling him, then vishal take out water gun and shoot water pressure but water pressure go out of the knight. Then knight said 'Your weapons are just toys of children in front of my eyes'. Then marco throw blast bombs {model 2} and the knight injured. He swing his chain and throw vishal at marco and rakesh. And they all 3 injured, then krishna was controlling planes and shooting bottle caps. Then night jump and break 2 planes into pieces. Krishna said 'What, are you crazy they planes are brand new my dad bring that planes from New York. Then ramesh throw slime balls.

But knight cut them also and all of pieces of slime balls fall on ramesh, rakesh, marco and krishna. And they all stuck in the slime. Then vishal said 'I have done some changes in my electric glove, now it can do and throw hyper beam, flame thrower, thunder shock, mega punch, thunder punch, fire punch and bubble attack etc'. Vishal choose flame thrower (because steel or metal are weak in front of fire). Vishal throw flame thrower and knight start destroying and finally he destroy with its horse. Old man said 'Sorry, we can only give you ₹500. Then vishal and his friends become in shock, they thought that they fight with so powerful knight. And they are giving us only ₹500. So, vishal and his friends divide it and each one get ₹100 and they went home. - To Be Continue in Season 4
How to survive in haunted days Welcome new member
How to survive in haunted days Girl who jumped from the building

[Last time vishal do a test for marco to join the team, the test was successful and marco come in the team. Now, in this story vishal and his friends were going to solve a case about a girl who jumped from the building]. Vishal and marco are doing practice for his first mission and vishal is helping him. Then rakesh come and said 'We have to go'. Then vishal said 'Ready for your first mission'. Then marco said 'Yes, I am ready'. Vishal and his 4 friends go to that place where the location was given. Location was about a big building. Then a woman come and said 'Vishal, please help us my daughter is died and her spirit is disturbing us'. Then vishal said 'Wait, mam what happened, you call us here can you tell us in detail'. Woman said everything that '2 weeks ago when I was working in the building with my clients, so when on Wednesday come to school she was looking like that she was in tension. I asked her that what happened if you have any problem so you can tell me but my daughter didn't tell me anything and say "I am okay, I am not in problem'.

And in tuition time also and dinner time also she be in tension. 1 week was gone like this and on last week Tuesday night she jump from the building from that teris and next day on Wednesday. In morning when some Neighbours go for jogging they find my daughter dead body on road and after her dead day in this building some weird things start like. When my work is done in midnight and whole building was empty I saw a computer open but far from me and my clients say that they saw my daughter in bathroom. That's why I call you and this is the guard officer who guards the main gate. They are saying that they also saw my daughter'. Vishal said 'So, it means that your daughter spirit is roaming in this building, ok we are going to find her'. Then woman said 'Don't kill my daughter spirit, she didn't want to injured hurt anyone, please only catch her in the ghost catching ball and take ₹80,000'. Vishal said 'What we didn't want too much, we want only ₹10,000'. Then vishal and his friends go into the building. Then krishna thought that anyone go behind him and he become a statue. Vishal said 'What happened krishna'?

Then krishna said 'I thought anyone goes with my back'. Vishal said 'That will be your thought only'. When they reach on 5th floor then vishal also thought that anyone go behind him. Then vishal and his friends saw a ghost near the lift, Vishal said 'We didn't want to hurt you, so it's better you surrender and come in this ghost catching ball'. Then girl stretch his hand and give a punch to vishal and he fell. Then vishal said 'Don't hurt her, just try her to became weak and catch her in the ghost catching ball. Marco shoot ice balls and girl's legs stuck in that ice. And krishna was shooting on her with the help of nerf gun and girl was injuring. Then rakesh throw ghost catching ball but girl swing her hand and ghost catching ball can't catch her. Then vishal said 'We have to more weak the girl'. Then vishal throw blast bombs and ice broke and she fell. Then vishal said 'Now, catch her'. Marco throw the ghost catching ball and girl come into that ball. Vishal put a bottle cap on it. Vishal and his friends give that ghost catching ball to that woman and woman give them ₹10,000. - To Be Continue
How to survive in haunted days The knight of terror
                                                                                           - By (VILAKSHAN / KASHU)